Why I Am A Sex Addiction Therapist

Why I Am A Sex Addiction Therapist

Primum non nocere is a Latin phrase that means, first, do no harm.  This phrase is widely attributed to the Hippocratic...

Healing From Emotional Incest

Healing From Emotional Incest

According to his mother, Will always stood out as being the most challenging to parent, the one who struggled to...

The Betrayal of Ashley Madison

The Betrayal of Ashley Madison

There are times when a tsunami of news events coalesce to create such astonishment that its very occurrence is unparalleled...

Using Discretion When Being Indiscreet

Using Discretion When Being Indiscreet

It’s no surprise for many who are active on social media about the hack to Ashley Madison’s database of user profiles. However,...

The One-Two Punch of Sexual and Financial Betrayal

The One-Two Punch of Sexual and Financial Betrayal

Destructive experiences stemming from sexual and financial betrayal are never too far from example. In a recently published article in The New York Times, “Divorce Funding...