For Love and Money Intensives
Debra specializes in money and work disorders, sexual and financial betrayal, and self defeating beliefs and behaviors regarding sex, money, and power. In 2013, Debra released her ground breaking book, For Love and Money: Exploring Sexual & Financial Betrayal in Relationships.
Many individuals and couples who read For Love and Money contacted Debra to create or restore sexual and financial health in their lives. Debra created the, For Love and Money Intensives to heal:
- Sexual and Financial Betrayal
- Shame from Childhood
- Money and Wealth Narratives
- Deprivation Mentality
- Poverty Mentality
- Poor Self-Esteem
- Money Control and Exploitation
- Work and Life Imbalance
Business Consulting

For over a decade, Debra has provided consultation and expert guidance to professional and business organizations. Contact Debra today to create healthy leadership and a productive work environment.